Our rates are simple and transparent
Employer Cost
Rates start at $75 per month for adults and $55 per month for children (age 0-17). Exact pricing will depend on employer size and distribution.
To Provider
Providers will be paid a minimum of $60 per month for adults and $40 per month for children (age 0-17). Payment may be higher based on practice location and employer demand.
To Benefits Advisor
Benefits Advisors will be paid up to $5 per member per month depending on plan design and management.
To 3x5 Health
3x5 Health will retain up to $10 per member per month to support the employers, advisors, and practices.
What is included in employee membership?
direct access to care team for questions, follow-up, refills, and other health needs
unlimited in-person, phone, text, and video visits
complete wellness & physical assessments
chronic disease management
acute visits and care for the occasional sick days
point-of-care lab tests and access to routine, non point-of-care lab tests
access to medications with wholesale pricing
in-office procedures such as EKG or basic suturing
access to routine vaccinations
physician-facilitated care coordination and advocacy, including specialty and imaging referrals