for advisors & employers
By partnering with 3x5 Health, you are investing in the health and wellbeing of your employees, your business, and your benefits plan.
We believe that DPC is the value-based, advanced primary care model of the future. The foundation of all high-functioning health care systems is robust primary care.
The systemic forces surrounding status quo primary care restrict it from thriving either near or long-term, while the design of direct primary care addresses the majority of these forces.
We like to say it is primary care as it is meant to be.
Traditional Primary Care
reactive, sick care
financial incentive = volume
10-15 min appointments
30-45 min average waiting room time
no predictability or transparency in pricing
care driven by insurance reimbursement
stressed and burned out care team
Direct Primary Care
proactive, health care
financial incentive = keeping people healthy
30-60 min appointments
minimal-to-no waiting room time
predictable, transparent pricing
care driven by patients
happy, relationship-focused care teams
With more than 50% of Americans receiving health care benefits through their employer, employers and benefits advisors are as well positioned as any to be the change we so desperately in health care. Offering DPC alone can lead to 5% or more savings compared to traditional plans while delivering an exceptional experience. When DPC is combined with forward-thinking, incentive aligned self-funded plans, businesses and advisors can achieve up 20-40% savings compared with the status quo.
DPC practices bring employers and employees value through:
predictable and affordable cost
superior patient experience with unlimited access to a personal physician
emphasis on incentivized wellness and prevention
built-in telemedicine with providers who know your employees and their story
decreased downstream costs through curation of referrals and high touch care coordination
access to wholesale prescription pricing
improved employee retention
reduction in absenteeism
The 3x5 Health Collective is led by practicing DPC physicians with expertise in best-in-class technology, clinical operations and patient experience, meaningful reporting and metrics, and partnering with sophisticated employer sponsored health plans.
The national footprint of DPC practices is growing, with many of these already partnering with small, local employers. By creating a unified collective of these local, independent DPC practices grounded in a basic and consistent framework of physician-led best practices, DPC becomes a viable option for larger employers, particularly those with multiple locations, higher functioning employer sponsored health plans, or a distributed workforce.
The monthly fee for practices in the 3x5 Health Collective covers comprehensive primary care and unlimited in-person, phone, text, and video visits. Access to labs, procedures, wholesale medications, care coordination, and meaningful data and reporting is also included and optimized across the collective. Given all physicians, communities, and employers have specific interests, each practice also in inherently local and independent, with the flexibility to pursue and meet more specific needs or demands when they arise.
From early roots in North Carolina and Indiana, our collective is growing across the country, bringing together the physician leaders transforming primary care.
For employers and advisors with employee lives in an area without DPC, we can also help bring you DPC through finding aligned physicians, helping them launch their own practice with minimal initial cost, and then supporting them to bring exceptional primary care to your team and the broader community.